Hina Matsuri Party
I started cooking from Saturday night!!!!
I baked a roll cake and cooked spam and eggs for next day.
My friend came earlier to help me.

That is FutoMaki I made at the morning.
Place a laver and then laid rice on it.
Front need 1cm space(no rice) and back 3cm space)
eggs, SPAM( I used LITE, and soaked with sugar and soy sauce for a while and flied) Avocado and Denbu( mashed fish boiled with sugar and soy sauce or salt: I asked my mom to send me a package)
and roll roll roll!!
Around the time, 15:00, they arrived.
Before start! Picture time!!
I cleaned up a living room, so people could sit and enjoy the party.... but most of his relatives went to a Den because Nina(Daughter) was there!! Go figure(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆
others stayed at a kitchen!!!!

From top(right) to clockwise;
Inari sushi, Chirashi sushi, Potato salad, (to bottom right) Nagoya style chicken and Futomaki
Daddy(my husband) went to a store to get a back of ice earlier and he bought a couple of shrimps packs!!
He boiled and served.... but he held the bowl and ate most of them!!!!
He used to be over 300 of Cholesterol and his doctor did warning!!
When they ate.... they ate at kitchen... and back to the Den to play with NINA (T▽T)
The population of Den was increased!!! and so as kitchen!!
And.... CAKE TIME!!!!┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐yeah!yeah!!
The cake was from my new friend who is a Japanese and lives close to us.
She made a beautiful Hinamatsuri cake!!

And color is Hishi mochi!!
Brought Nina in a kitchen and Daddy was holding her.
I cut a cake!! like a birthday!

I was soooo busy but I enjoyed the party!!!!
All guests enjoyed and loved the party and foods!!
His relatives have never lived out of country, nor this state!! so they had a chance to know other culture and foods.
We gave our daughter her first greatest Hina Matsuri in the world because of all guests and especially my new friend who made the cake and her husband. I wanted to add one person, My friend, who came earlier to help me.
Oh! about the roll cake I made..... my Japanese friend and I enjoyed it!!( ̄m ̄* )
Ohana o agemashou momo no hana
おはなをあげましょ もものはな
Go-nin bayashi no fue taiko
kyo wa tanoshii hinamatsuri
Labels: cooking, Girl's Festival, Hina Matsuri
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