I was shocked colorful cakes in Los Angeles when I first saw them!!
That was shocking!!( ̄Д ̄;;
What I missed was Not so colorful, not too sweet Japanese Cakes!
well... I ate a couple of times though.
Why should it be so colorful???
Orange, green... yellow.. blue... very primary colors!!
Many people were shocked cakes when they first saw!!
They are strawberry short cakes.( Christmas cakes though..)
Simple, not too sweet.. just right!!! (for most of us at least)
so... I started to try own cake (* ̄∇ ̄*)
I used to be a manager of Crepe store in Japan.
but.... baking a cake??? that is different!!! I am not Antie Julia!!!
so.. I started to bake for a beginner!!!!
I got a recipe from website !!
I used manual whisk!!!! yes... I DID beat EGGS by manually!
I thought I would get a muscleache
Thanks to my daughter!!! I hold her everyday !!

My First ATTEMPT!!!
Uhmm.... too heavy ... not enough whip cream.....
It was good!! for first time. I ate all!! 6((((≧▽≦))))6
AND... a week later... I tried it second time!!
Because... I got HAND MIXER!!!┏| ̄^ ̄* |┛

( ̄∀ ̄) Wonderful!!!!!
One more thing, this is not only my boom... also his...

When we went to a Wal-mart... we found this.
We can play pac-man, race game... etc... total 5 games in it.
Every games, we both remember when we were kids... it does not matter in US or Japan.
He was good !! but I NOW KEEP the TOP on Pac-man!!!( ̄∇ ̄)v
He has not beaten me yet!!
I got a Top score of a racing game... ( he was crazy to get top score for that!! because he did race and also pit crew at NASCAR before) but he did!!! He got a TOP SCORE!!!!
I had not been able to play for a while... we played with the game on last Monday.
I DID beat him again!! I got THE TOP now┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐
Our Daughter, Nina, plays ,too!! well she just WANTS to play, so she tries to get a console!!
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