
It's a BOY!! and OUR GIRL!

Finally!!! my sister has a BOY!!

A contraction was started... and they could see a baby's head!!
I had started to tell her "If you don't start delivery, it will be torn up!!"
but .... before tears up or anything... he was too big to come out( ̄▽ ̄;)
My sister's blood pressure was getting high... so they decided to do C-section.

January 16th 2008. about 18:40(Japan Time)
The boy arrived this world!!
Now my daughter has her first cousin.
Now we have my first nephew.

He was 8 lbs 8 1/2 oz(3870g)
It will be in average for Americans... but! The baby is huge for Japanese!!!!!
and his height was 22 1/2 in(57cm).
First I heard his size... I only could say ... was....."HUGE!!!!"

His name is Kiyoshiro(清志郎) which named after .... a famous Japanese musician( ̄▽ ̄;)

First I heard his name... I only could say... was...."no way!!!"
Uhmmm..... it is hard to say the name....remember, too....
Kenshiro?? Koshiro?? Kyoshiro??? ummmmm OH! Kiyoshiro!!( ̄▽ ̄;)
Daddy(my husband) will not be able to say it!!!

I talked my mom and dad last night on a phone because my daughter had her 6mo check-up.
My sister has not had anything to eat yet!!!!
That was her second day!! She has not been said OK to eat!!
Bless your heart!!!
She had to be STARVING!!!!
Even I chose the induce labor and Epidural .... I was starving before I delivered!!!
And First thing I wanted to do was... I wanted to drink and eat!!!
She is only available to take .... IV!! both of arms!!!

well... 11 days late from Due date... and He was in an incubator over night, Just in case.
I guess both of them have been well...
In Japan, New mom and newborn baby stay in a hospital for a week.
They can rest plenty and read for survival for the NEW WORLD!!!

but... I wanted to say the most... is.... お疲れ様でした(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆

I forgot to write about MY DAUGHTER!!!! !Σ( ̄□ ̄|||)
She had 6 month check-up on 17th. We had her appointment on Jan 3rd... but our car was broken on the way!!!!!
We canceled and re-scheduled.
This time.... our car was FINE ε=( ̄。 ̄;)

Her height was.... 25 in (63.5cm)
・・・・・・・( ̄  ̄) Our nephew... her cousin.. who was just born... 22in( ̄▽ ̄;)
only.... 3 inches??
well.. weight was... 16 lbs 7 oz!!!!!!
(Yiiipppppyyy!! we do not have to give or throw away "Step 2" diaper)
She got 4 shots and 1 from mouth.
DTaP(3種混合ワクチン*ジフテリアDiphteria・破傷風Tetanus・百日咳 Pertussis)
HIB (インフルエンザ菌b型ワクチン)
PCV7 (肺炎球菌)
Flu Shot(インフルエンザ予防接種)
経口ワクチン(シロップ式):Rota Virus(ロタウィルス)

She started crying second shoto(TヘTo) however... she stopped crying... within 5 minutes( ̄▽ ̄;)
I was waiting at a waiting room while Daddy(Husband) made a next appointment.
I carried her car seat... and was swinging ... I thought she was fine!!
She started crying right after I sat on a chair...( ̄Д ̄;;
I was holding her while we were waiting for Doctor came( ̄_ ̄ i)

She slept sooooo good last night!!
I wanted to change her diaper... but she was sleeping well.... I just let her sleep.
She slept from about 7 pm to 5:40 am!!!!
I realized.... she had a little fever. 99.8F
I changed her clothes and fed her... she fell sleep while I was feeding her second one.
well... I fell sleep,too... so I don't know how long she stayed awake.

She was fine after passing noon!!

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