7 Months Old!!!
She discovered how to move where she wants to go now!!
It is not perfect crawling yet... but she moves like a frog with knees and very fast, especially there is something she wants to get!!
She has started solid food once or twice a day... she has been pretty good.
Tonight, Daddy first tried to feed her solid food!!!
She started crying.... he though she finished.
I held her and tried to give her food....( ̄∀ ̄) she still wanted to eat ( ̄m ̄* )
Daddy.... you are still BEGINNER!!!! (`▽´メ) hehehe~~
She also wants to do whatever I am doing.
When I am reading a newspaper..... she wants to read it to check the latest NEWS!( ̄▽ ̄;)
When I am checking ads... she wants to check which is cheaper!!
When I am eating.... she wants to eat,too!!
When I am talking on a phone... she wants to hold a phone!!
I was talking on my parents with speaker phone... and.... she pushed OFF button( ̄_ ̄ i)
She HANG UP THE PHONE!!!!! ( ̄Д ̄;;
She was fussy today because her tooth is coming out... we can't see any yet though.
but... every day and every night she is growing, knowing, learning, discover a lot of things.
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