
Hand Made

As I wrote on last post, we received REAL Hina Doll yesterday.
It was early to decorate.... but I made my own hand made Hina Doll for her today.

It was a little rough though... but I made this while I was taking care of her and cooking her rice.
And this was my first time to make it!!
I will decorate them front of Real dolls and will take a picture!

Oh! When I received the box... there were something we needed every day life!!
Most of you may be surprised !!

Hello Kitty's Toilet Rolls!!!! with strawberry scent!!!

Not a ONE!!

That many!!

When we got the box, Daddy was already at home( I don't know why??? he behave very weird, so I asked him to sleep for a while)
so he did not know when the box came.
When he woke up... 6 Hello Kitty toilet rolls were on his couch with strawberry scent( ̄▽ ̄;)
He was going to put them in a box.... in The BOX!! There were more Hello KITTY!!!

Does anyone see good toilet rolls with nice scent in the States???
I found there was so many character toilet rolls in Japan, such as Pokemon, Doraemon!!
Hey! in Japan, we could buy about $4 for 12 rolls!! and the roll lasts longer than American one!!
5 boxes tissue are about $2!!!

If you have a chance to travel Japan... check them out!!

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