
Manma!? or Mommy?

She woke up 3:30am last night....
I hoped she was back to sleep herself.... but it was just my HOPE!!( ̄▽ ̄;)

After I came back from a bath room, and turned on a room light.
She did very bitter face.. like a "Why did you turn the light!!!!"
Finally, 1 hour later.... she was back to sleep.
well... someone told everybody that he would feed her and change her diaper middle of night and early morning.... before and after she was born.... where the promise went???

I hoped she woke up later... but it was just my hope AGAIN!!
She woke up as usual!!!!
but I could not wake up( ̄▽ ̄;)
She grabbed my hair and pulled...
She touched my face.. and grabbed( ̄_ ̄ i)
She was having fun!! I think... and it hurts to me!!

I finally woke up... and hoped she fell sleep earlier naps... it was just my hope again and again!!
It passed lunch time when she finally slept.
I cooked Ramen Noodle... and enjoyed my noodle in a half.
She woke up in 10 minutes!!
Finishing my noodle.. and lied down beside her and sang Japanese lullaby.
Most of time I sing the song, she smiled at me(* ̄∇ ̄*) however... she does not sleep( ̄_ ̄ i)

Finally... she fell sleep!!┏| ̄^ ̄* |┛Yeah!
but.. I could not fall sleep for a while. I finally started dozing off.
soon after I started dozing off... she woke up and played toys.
She screamed and she was under a table(she did 180 degree turn!!) and bumped her head on a table( ̄▽ ̄;)

We went to a bed and took a nap together!!

After we took our good nap( I was still sleepy though)
She said.... Mommy!!!!!! ( I guessed)
She usually said Ma-n-ma(まんま=food for Baby word in Japanese)
She has not been able to say clearly yet... but usually scream for Food(Formula or baby food)
It sounds close to Mama.. but there is "N" between "Ma"
but today!! She said it a little different!
She said ma----mi-----
I brought her bottle.. but she was not look hungry.. she just smiled at me.. so I guessed and I hoped She called ME(* ̄∇ ̄*)

She has not said any word close to Daddy or Dada.. ( ̄∀ ̄)I won again!

I HOPE.... she sleep long tonight( ̄m ̄* )I HOPE

I have tried to speak in Japanese as much as I could.
Because, she is a Japanese,too... I want her to speak and know my side of root which I also want her to be proud of.
She has never been Japan... I don't know if she has any chance to live over there in future.
When she go to school... she will forget about Japanese language.
so... I must speak and give her opportunity to know and learn anything Japan and Japanese things as much as I can.
I used to say Mixed sentences... but I started not to use them except Daddy, Mommy, or some words.
Manma means food in Japanese Baby word. I have said since she was born.
By the way.... Front of her... Daddy is daddy. I am Mommy(Daddy and her grandma called me Mama for her..though) His dad is Grand pa and his mom is grand ma.
My mom is Bahba(ばぁばit may sound bahba.. but there is long stroke sound between BA) and my dad is Jihji(じぃじsame as Bahba.. there is long stroke sound between Ji)

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