
Hina matsuri

I thought it has been warmer and warmer... but it was COLD and windy today!!

I have been searching recipes for Hina Matsuri(ひなまつり:Girl's Festival in Japan)
About Hina Matsuri
and here

I have been trying to show her Japanese festivals, tradition and custom as much as possible.
Because she is an American and also a Japanese.
One of her roots that she knows about will be important for herself, myself and my family and relatives.

BUT!!!! it is difficult to do completely... so I just want her to know about those...
Menu will be....
Inari Sushi
Chirashi Sushi (without Fish)
Futo Maki
Fried chicken(Japanese tastes)
Mochi Cake(made by rice... and my friends said it tastes like a browny)
Roll cake

I don't know what else I need to cook!!!
uhm...... I wonder.... if I can cook all by myself.... ( ̄▽ ̄;)

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