( ̄_ ̄ i)really??
I miss SNOW!!! I want Hana to play with snow...
It looks around my hometown will be snowing,too!!!
Anyway, on 17th we were going to go shopping after her 6mo check-up to get a couple of cans of formula as it was almost out.
but Daddy said " Is it OK to go shopping tomorrow?? because I need to take a nap and study for tonight's test"
"no way!!! she may not have enough until you come back home!"
After we left her clinic... we got in our car
"・・・・・・・( ̄  ̄) ?
・・・・・・・( ̄  ̄) ?
・・・・・・・( ̄  ̄) ?
He is going toward our house....."
and then....
ARRIVED!!!!! at a home( ̄_ ̄ i)
well... the test looked very difficult so... it might be OK
After we came into a house.... I asked him "You must come home early tomorrow!!"
( ̄_ ̄ i) he already forgot about formula.... you lost your memories too fast...
well.... we went shopping next day!
Why my husband took so much time to be ready ?????
I know.. he does not have to comb his hair....(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆
Is anyone who has a husband take so much time than a wife to go somewhere??
After he is all set, he was just watching on TV.....
so I need to do for myself ready... and our daughter.
She did not wear shoes... but I was just lazy to put her shoes on.
He likes looking TOY Aisle .... mainly GI JOE or HOT WHEEL... now he goes baby's toy section and Girl's toy section... so we need much time to see TOY SECTIONS!!
I do not know why... but every time we went to Target... he wants PIZZA( ̄_ ̄ i)
He said " Let's Pizza tonight!"
It was a little different from usual.... this time!! He wanted to choose from Frozen one!!
He realized when we were almost done.... "Where is her sock?"
( ̄△ ̄;)えっ・・?(what?)
She lost one sock somewhere!!!!!!!
He went back where we came... he found her sock.
I took her blanket and tried to put it on.... one more sock was gone( ̄Д ̄;;
well.. the sock was under the blanket.
anyway..... I checked baking things... because I want to try to have her first Girl's festival party!!!!!
She was getting cranky ... we had to speed up!!
We got Oreo's litter and food.... and DONE!! oh.. we had to pay.
I asked him"do you think how much we spend?"
( ̄_ ̄ i) I had to pay from my saving.....
He needs to STOP spending too much!!!!!!!!!!!!
I paid all.....(T^T)
After we came home... he applied a second job through online.
I was with our daughter(Nina)
He called my name.... so I went to a computer room.
He asked me....
"What was the name of my school?"
Why you ask me??
"ummm.... maryland?"
"how is the spell??"
( ̄_ ̄ i)
" m-a-r-y-l-a-n-d"
"...... that does not right"
( ̄_ ̄ i)
"how is the spell university?"
・・・・・・・( ̄  ̄)
He typed all small letters... so I told him to type capital letters for U and M.
and he typed Maryland University... so I corrected.
" how is the spell BUSINESS?"
・・・・・・・( ̄  ̄)
"no!! it is not!!!"
(-゛-メ) "yes... it is!!"
"business.... a d m e n e n s "
( ̄▽ ̄;) "it is not right already.... Capital B and usiness and A d m i n i s t r a t i o n!!"
are you really an American??? and you are a college student?????
I only went to Jr. High!!! of course in Japan.
well.... that happens often at our house.... I hope Nina can learn CORRECT English....
I have not ever had comments .... Please give me a comment(T^T)
Your comment encourage me to keep on !!!
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