
Finally on CAMERA!!

I got it I got it!!

Finally I could take pictures of Hummingbird!!!

Usually, they come while I am washing dishes...
The day, he/she came while I was washing dishes... go figure!!
so I asked my husband to get a camera and take the picture!!

First... he asked me
Where is the camera?
How turn it on?
How zoom up?
The bird was staying long!!
so we could take a picture!!!

Where are you bird??!! ( ̄▽ ̄;)

This long staying hummingbird has visited almost everyday!!
so I got another chance to take a picture!!!

He was not hovering but I could take a picture!!!

hmmmm..... I need SLR camera... hey!! we have a wed anniversary comes up soon!!
oops... no money 。゚(゚´(00)`゚)゚。


About a year...?

Hello All!!

It has been .... lots of months went by!!!
Since last post which was on September 2008!!!
My daughter powered up much more!!!!!

We much often need to go out side to play with Hana... and have had a chance to get right relationship between them.
I have been working on and fixing and training together!!
So far.... both of them are building good relationship.

She became 2 years old in June, do you know what does that mean?????
She is in "Terrible 2!!!"

2008 Winter (Left) 2009 Spring(right)

She starts practicing Chopsticks!!

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Forgetful or aging?

People often said that You will have a memory problem.
but true is, at least my case, will get much forgetful even after had a baby!!!!!

My memory is terrible !! not only my computer!!! ( ̄Д ̄;;

1. I could not find my watch!! and I could not keep in mind to look for the watch either!!!!!!
It took me about a month to find the watch!
I found under a bed..... λ........

2. I lost both of my nail clippers!!!!!!!
I knew I would loose if I put a nail clipper here!!! that I was thinking but my wild animal.. oh... my wild daughter was crying and screaming... so I put it somewhere.

Guess what?!!! I forgot where I put on( ̄ ̄ ̄∇ ̄ ̄ ̄;
I was looking for my nail clipper!!and I found it!!!!!!! that was different one. I lost one and found another.
Uhmm..... nice job!!ヾ( ̄o ̄;)

3. I lost Nina's bottle!!!!!! well... that was not only my fault!! because she holds anything and walking around and then drop somewhere...

I found the same day!! Yippie!!!! but I lost her folk yesterday ( ̄Д ̄;;
I have no idea where it is... did I mistaken throw into a trash can with something? or as usual... she was holding it and just dropped somewhere I could find....

4. I was talking to Hana( our dog) and.... " NIna!! (daughter's name) sit!!"(ーー;)

when I was a kid, I often told my mom about don't call me my sister's name... but THE HISTORY WILL BE REPEATED.
(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆

Recently I am aware of .... "Why I am coming here???? I come to pick up something?? or Am I going to other room???" ( ̄◇ ̄;)
I sometimes can't remember what I did morning!!!!!! I remember what I ate for breakfast!!!!! because most of time it is cereal.

well.... I may need a good long refresh and relax time( ̄▽ ̄;)
or do I need upgrade my memories??
but at least... I still have a better memory than DADDY!!(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆

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Check up ! catch UP!

ヽ(= ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∇ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄=)ノ <- try to give you smile!!

How long I have not posted here?????
That was why I gave you smile......

Last time was on March!!!! well... I am sorry about such a long absent.
well... let see....
Nina became 1 year old in June.
We had so great birthday party for her.
She is already walking all over and dancing with music and climbing up on everything.
She has 4 &4 teeth and bites me many times (ーー;)

well.... I have been working on Daddy's computer.
I don't know how many times I re-installed OS in these days.
I though it was fixed!!!!
but next day,,,, did it again.

Finally, I found TOOL for checking up DISK and so many files which were a part of Operation system were missing or bad.
AND it was fine!!!!!!! Yipppyyyyyyy!!!!

On next day, CHECKING DISK ...... BAD!! msg was appeared.
that was yesterday.
It repeated every times I restarted computer.

I took one of my HDD and now what???!!!!!!!
The computer said "NT ... something something is missing"


I searched on the Internet.... they said that the error message is not common!!!
Barely can see it!!!!!!
Is that like a "SAD MAC" ?

I did not know how many times I wanted to scream " I DO NOT LIKE BILL G@TES!!!!!"
yes.. I am a Mac person... I have used Mac for more than 15 years.
well.. actually I screamed a couple times ( ̄▽ ̄;)

Anyway, I had to change BIOS( what's the heck is that???) setting to start up with CD-ROM( I don't know why the BIOS setting was changed)

FINALLY!!!!! WINDOWS SET UP!!! was starting!!!!!!!!!


I don't need so many.....

well.. I just missed the screen to hit ENTER to continue

now..... I finally finally finally finished to install Windows and applications.
my old 10G HDD is reborn as Bill g@tes machine. ( HDD has an apple mark on it( ̄m ̄〃)
The HDD is so old... close to 10 years... so it will be temporary until Daddy gets a new JOB!!!!!

etc.....etc...... many things have happened us right now.
I hope the bright light shines for us tomorrow and tomorrow.



9 month check up!!

Nina went to her 9 month check up this morning!!
We couldn't go to her second flu shot( ̄▽ ̄;) and almost couldn't make an appointment for her check-up.

We are going to see Doctor!!

This time, Car was a kind of FINE!!
Before we hit an interstate, Daddy said " oh no... the car engine is going off" with his small voice... but his small voice is NORMAL voice for others( ̄∀ ̄)
Of course, I could hear what he said.... ( ̄Д ̄;;WHAT DID YOU SAY ?????
┃wall┃ω ̄=) ジィー‥‥‥really???

Nothing happened... we got the Dr's office.
She was almost sleeping though.... she talked and talked and talked.... while we were waiting.
then... she was tired to sitting on a car seat.
We waited about 30 minutes.

Finally her turn!!!
She was 18 lbs 4 oz(about 8300g) and 26 in( about 67cm)
Every time she visited her Dr.... she torn up paper on the exam bed!!!
She enjoyed it so much..... well... we had to hold her and wait.
This time, we had a BIIIIIGGGGGGG helper!!!

We have given Japanese baby finger foods... but they are gone!!
We picked up at a grocery store yesterday and she loved it!!!!

Finally, Doctor and medical student(this time) came in.
She has been smiling the YONG NICE STUDENT!! so have I( ̄m ̄* )

After checking up by Dr.
She needed to get 2 shots(Polio and Hep B) and also ... what is called?? checking blood of iron.
She was crying for a shot... but I was lightly holding her shoulder.
and then I held her she stopped!!
she was usually crying 5-10 minutes when Daddy held.

A way back home, she was sleeping and didn't know when she came home and slept on a floor.

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First Easter

She had her first Easter last Sunday(actually that was yesterday!!!)
BUT! we did not do anything( ̄▽ ̄;)

Only I took pictures of her with her new clothes which her grandpa and grandma brought on other day.
On Saturday, Daddy was working... so I had a plenty of time!!!!

The rabbit was an Easter gift from grandpa and grandma!!
There was 2 rabbits with munchies!! ( well... Daddy and I enjoyed them)

This one was like a sailor!! There was a hat with the two pieces of clothes.
(well she is a Retiree Army brat though)
When I was taking pictures... I remembered she had a rabbit ear!!
so I put it on!!

At the same night, Grandpa and Grandma were supposed to come over and take pictures... but they changed to Tuesday or Wednesday because of grandpa's work schedule.

I was going to take pictures with her lace-socks and shoes... and eggs(toy) with her easter bag...
well.... we will take pictures then.

During the day... she was SOOOOO cranky.
She finally fell sleep at 5pm!!!
I clipped Hana's nails and hair on the paws while she was sleeping.
Daddy was touching( holding) Hana while I was working on Hana because she doesn't like it!!
I almost finished 2 more nails !! she woke up... and about 5 minutes later, she fell and stack between a barricade( cardboard box and bookshelf) She was OK!! but she cried!!

Daddy took care of her because I had to clean up all hairs on me( Like a I was covered 100% wool*Hana is not sheep) and changed clothes and washed hands.... then I could go.

It was already 6pm or so... and I was tired to cook something special.
I cooked Gyoza(Chinese dumplings) and heated up cans of peas and corn and NATTO with rice.
Nothing Easter for the night's supper!!!( ̄▽ ̄;)

Please leave your comment that encourages me to keep on!!!

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Hina Matsuri Party

It was already a week ago!!!! I have been busy and lazy after finishing the party( ̄▽ ̄;)

I started cooking from Saturday night!!!!
I baked a roll cake and cooked spam and eggs for next day.

My friend came earlier to help me.

That is FutoMaki I made at the morning.

Place a laver and then laid rice on it.
Front need 1cm space(no rice) and back 3cm space)

eggs, SPAM( I used LITE, and soaked with sugar and soy sauce for a while and flied) Avocado and Denbu( mashed fish boiled with sugar and soy sauce or salt: I asked my mom to send me a package)

and roll roll roll!!

Around the time, 15:00, they arrived.
Before start! Picture time!!

I cleaned up a living room, so people could sit and enjoy the party.... but most of his relatives went to a Den because Nina(Daughter) was there!! Go figure(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆
others stayed at a kitchen!!!!

From top(right) to clockwise;
Inari sushi, Chirashi sushi, Potato salad, (to bottom right) Nagoya style chicken and Futomaki

Daddy(my husband) went to a store to get a back of ice earlier and he bought a couple of shrimps packs!!

He boiled and served.... but he held the bowl and ate most of them!!!!
He used to be over 300 of Cholesterol and his doctor did warning!!

When they ate.... they ate at kitchen... and back to the Den to play with NINA (T▽T)
The population of Den was increased!!! and so as kitchen!!

And.... CAKE TIME!!!!┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐yeah!yeah!!
The cake was from my new friend who is a Japanese and lives close to us.
She made a beautiful Hinamatsuri cake!!

She made a pair of Hina dolls(Emperor and Empress) on the top.
And color is Hishi mochi!!


Brought Nina in a kitchen and Daddy was holding her.
I cut a cake!! like a birthday!

Inside was Hishi mochi color,too!!!!!

I was soooo busy but I enjoyed the party!!!!
All guests enjoyed and loved the party and foods!!
His relatives have never lived out of country, nor this state!! so they had a chance to know other culture and foods.
We gave our daughter her first greatest Hina Matsuri in the world because of all guests and especially my new friend who made the cake and her husband. I wanted to add one person, My friend, who came earlier to help me.

Oh! about the roll cake I made..... my Japanese friend and I enjoyed it!!( ̄m ̄* )

♪Hina Matsuri Song♪

Akari o tsukemashou bonbori ni
あかりをつけましょ ぼんぼりに

Ohana o agemashou momo no hana
おはなをあげましょ もものはな

Go-nin bayashi no fue taiko

kyo wa tanoshii hinamatsuri

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I have recently started to bake a cake!!!

I was shocked colorful cakes in Los Angeles when I first saw them!!
That was shocking!!( ̄Д ̄;;
What I missed was Not so colorful, not too sweet Japanese Cakes!
well... I ate a couple of times though.

Why should it be so colorful???

Orange, green... yellow.. blue... very primary colors!!

Lots of artificial coloring... is it good for your health??
Many people were shocked cakes when they first saw!!

They are strawberry short cakes.( Christmas cakes though..)
Simple, not too sweet.. just right!!! (for most of us at least)

Now I have a daughter.... I do not want to give her cakes with too much artificial color.
so... I started to try own cake (* ̄∇ ̄*)
I used to be a manager of Crepe store in Japan.
but.... baking a cake??? that is different!!! I am not Antie Julia!!!
so.. I started to bake for a beginner!!!!

That is Roll cake!!! simple... easy.. I guessed!!

I got a recipe from website !!

I used manual whisk!!!! yes... I DID beat EGGS by manually!
I thought I would get a muscleache
Thanks to my daughter!!! I hold her everyday !!
My First ATTEMPT!!!

Uhmm.... too heavy ... not enough whip cream.....
It was good!! for first time. I ate all!! 6((((≧▽≦))))6

AND... a week later... I tried it second time!!
Because... I got HAND MIXER!!!┏| ̄^ ̄* |┛

Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!!! LOOKS NICE!!!!!

( ̄∀ ̄) Wonderful!!!!!

This time, I put a little banana in it!!!

One more thing, this is not only my boom... also his...

Ms. Pacman
When we went to a Wal-mart... we found this.
We can play pac-man, race game... etc... total 5 games in it.
Every games, we both remember when we were kids... it does not matter in US or Japan.

He was good !! but I NOW KEEP the TOP on Pac-man!!!( ̄∇ ̄)v
He has not beaten me yet!!
I got a Top score of a racing game... ( he was crazy to get top score for that!! because he did race and also pit crew at NASCAR before) but he did!!! He got a TOP SCORE!!!!

I had not been able to play for a while... we played with the game on last Monday.
I DID beat him again!! I got THE TOP now┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐┌| ∵|┘└| ∵|┐

Our Daughter, Nina, plays ,too!! well she just WANTS to play, so she tries to get a console!!

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It has been a while ( ̄▽ ̄;)

I have been busy for taking care of Nina( our Daughter)
She is now a crawling champion!! She could not crawl perfectly.. she just jumped with her knees to go forward just a week ago.
But now!! she could move anywhere she wants!!
Of course, she can't up steps yet.
When she was on her walker and in kitchen with me... She opened cabinet door!!
She tried to reach a trash bin, too( ̄_ ̄ i) that is no..no!

She will be a 8 months old about a week.. and her first Girl's Festival is coming soon!!!

\(◎o◎)/! I must clean up!!!

Before cleaning up our house.... I tried to bake a roll cake!!(* ̄∇ ̄*)
My new friend will bring her original cake on the party... but I want to have my cake for her, too.(well.. We EAT)
First time, I tried to cake!!!! ( I used to be a manager of Crepe shop in Japan... though)

Let see.... too yellow.. that means I did not whisk enough egg yolk.
I thought I put enough whip cream... but not enough!!! so I just added cream with it( ̄m ̄* )

I NEED Auto Mixer!!!!!!! Too hard to whisk by a hand( ̄_ ̄ i)
but it taste good!!!! I will try it again soon!!

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Manma!? or Mommy?

She woke up 3:30am last night....
I hoped she was back to sleep herself.... but it was just my HOPE!!( ̄▽ ̄;)

After I came back from a bath room, and turned on a room light.
She did very bitter face.. like a "Why did you turn the light!!!!"
Finally, 1 hour later.... she was back to sleep.
well... someone told everybody that he would feed her and change her diaper middle of night and early morning.... before and after she was born.... where the promise went???

I hoped she woke up later... but it was just my hope AGAIN!!
She woke up as usual!!!!
but I could not wake up( ̄▽ ̄;)
She grabbed my hair and pulled...
She touched my face.. and grabbed( ̄_ ̄ i)
She was having fun!! I think... and it hurts to me!!

I finally woke up... and hoped she fell sleep earlier naps... it was just my hope again and again!!
It passed lunch time when she finally slept.
I cooked Ramen Noodle... and enjoyed my noodle in a half.
She woke up in 10 minutes!!
Finishing my noodle.. and lied down beside her and sang Japanese lullaby.
Most of time I sing the song, she smiled at me(* ̄∇ ̄*) however... she does not sleep( ̄_ ̄ i)

Finally... she fell sleep!!┏| ̄^ ̄* |┛Yeah!
but.. I could not fall sleep for a while. I finally started dozing off.
soon after I started dozing off... she woke up and played toys.
She screamed and she was under a table(she did 180 degree turn!!) and bumped her head on a table( ̄▽ ̄;)

We went to a bed and took a nap together!!

After we took our good nap( I was still sleepy though)
She said.... Mommy!!!!!! ( I guessed)
She usually said Ma-n-ma(まんま=food for Baby word in Japanese)
She has not been able to say clearly yet... but usually scream for Food(Formula or baby food)
It sounds close to Mama.. but there is "N" between "Ma"
but today!! She said it a little different!
She said ma----mi-----
I brought her bottle.. but she was not look hungry.. she just smiled at me.. so I guessed and I hoped She called ME(* ̄∇ ̄*)

She has not said any word close to Daddy or Dada.. ( ̄∀ ̄)I won again!

I HOPE.... she sleep long tonight( ̄m ̄* )I HOPE

I have tried to speak in Japanese as much as I could.
Because, she is a Japanese,too... I want her to speak and know my side of root which I also want her to be proud of.
She has never been Japan... I don't know if she has any chance to live over there in future.
When she go to school... she will forget about Japanese language.
so... I must speak and give her opportunity to know and learn anything Japan and Japanese things as much as I can.
I used to say Mixed sentences... but I started not to use them except Daddy, Mommy, or some words.
Manma means food in Japanese Baby word. I have said since she was born.
By the way.... Front of her... Daddy is daddy. I am Mommy(Daddy and her grandma called me Mama for her..though) His dad is Grand pa and his mom is grand ma.
My mom is Bahba(ばぁばit may sound bahba.. but there is long stroke sound between BA) and my dad is Jihji(じぃじsame as Bahba.. there is long stroke sound between Ji)

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