
9 month check up!!

Nina went to her 9 month check up this morning!!
We couldn't go to her second flu shot( ̄▽ ̄;) and almost couldn't make an appointment for her check-up.

We are going to see Doctor!!

This time, Car was a kind of FINE!!
Before we hit an interstate, Daddy said " oh no... the car engine is going off" with his small voice... but his small voice is NORMAL voice for others( ̄∀ ̄)
Of course, I could hear what he said.... ( ̄Д ̄;;WHAT DID YOU SAY ?????
┃wall┃ω ̄=) ジィー‥‥‥really???

Nothing happened... we got the Dr's office.
She was almost sleeping though.... she talked and talked and talked.... while we were waiting.
then... she was tired to sitting on a car seat.
We waited about 30 minutes.

Finally her turn!!!
She was 18 lbs 4 oz(about 8300g) and 26 in( about 67cm)
Every time she visited her Dr.... she torn up paper on the exam bed!!!
She enjoyed it so much..... well... we had to hold her and wait.
This time, we had a BIIIIIGGGGGGG helper!!!

We have given Japanese baby finger foods... but they are gone!!
We picked up at a grocery store yesterday and she loved it!!!!

Finally, Doctor and medical student(this time) came in.
She has been smiling the YONG NICE STUDENT!! so have I( ̄m ̄* )

After checking up by Dr.
She needed to get 2 shots(Polio and Hep B) and also ... what is called?? checking blood of iron.
She was crying for a shot... but I was lightly holding her shoulder.
and then I held her she stopped!!
she was usually crying 5-10 minutes when Daddy held.

A way back home, she was sleeping and didn't know when she came home and slept on a floor.

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