Whose homework?
I had a frequent pain on Saturday... so, I needed him to do homework while we still had a time.
But! as usual... He did not do.
This was his final homework for a current class, so he had to make it with PowerPoint.
Unfortunately, He does not have one..well... he can not use it either.
So, He needed my help to finish his homework... as usual ^ ^;
I had asked him to do homework in the Tuesday morning!!
But.. of course... as usual... he did not do T_T
MIRACLE!!!when I woke up from afternoon nap, he was doing his homework!!!!!!!!!
He finished and printed out 2 pages...
I started PowerPoint... - -; Very annoying... he typed all capital letters!
I do not know why.. but he likes using capital letters.
It is hard to follow the lines.
No title each pages... so I did not know which one was still under the same title.
AND.... I had to correct his misspell,too - -;
well... while I was doing homework(HIS) I had to cook a dinner,too... and started hearing thunder...
I finally finished both of his homework and cook!!!!
I saved onto USB memory and checked the file onto my other computer.
GRAPH... was gone T_T
well.. we did not have a time.. he asked me to print out all pages(ask me earlier!!)
while my printer was working out, I ate my dinner.. and gave hana food..
THEN... he went to a school!!
After he came back from school, he showed me how it was going.
" They liked this part.... and that part,too!!... but we had many misspell!!"
"....... WE???? I corrected most of your misspell!! you had more!!! "
I gave lines for misspell on his papers....and he said...
"well.. I do not care about spelling. but she said she would give me [A]!!!"
- -; yeah... you do not care... but I care.. I will have hard to time to correct for you......
He got his FINAL EXAM!!
He will have to write 4 types of question( like a essay style)by July 2nd or something.
BUT... he has not gone for work this week so far...
He is still sleeping on a couch... right now... T_T
well... we will not have a time to do tomorrow.. the day after tomorrow..so on ...
I do not know when he can do his final exam!!!!!
Good Luck DADDY!!! ^ ^