

We have a blueberry tree(Tree?? or Bush??) in our back yard.
A previous owner of this house planted years ago.
First year, I just picked and eat them. They were so good!! ^_^V

Last year...
We had many blueberries!!!
YEAH!ヽ(▽ ̄ )乂(  ̄▽)ノ YEAH!!
(sorry if you do not have Japanese fonts... I am going to use Japanese Face marks)

See?? We got so many!!!

THEN... I wanted to try to make Jam... and a pie.
I used to work at a Crepes (like a French pancake) restaurant years ago( I was a manager!)
BUT!!! I was not good at dessert... so I found a simple recipe!!

I though it would be easier to buy a pie crust.
What was I thinking??? I tried to make one ( ̄ ̄ ̄∇ ̄ ̄ ̄;

Ladies and gentleman... My First time Bluebery Jam and PIE!!!!

Looks good!!!!!!!
I did not add so much sugar on it.. but very sweet and GOOD!!!!!
Pie looks good Right?
I did not have a kichen scale that time - -;
I used a postal scale which was only measured by 16oz.
On the recipe, ALL MEASUREMENT was... GRAM!!!!!!!!

but looks good right?
Taste was good!!
except... Pie crust was... like a rock T_T
My father-in-law came over and wanted to try... but I said"sorry, you couldn't eat"..

Because... he does no have teeth!!!! ( ̄▽ ̄; )

This year, The blueberry tree is not so much good... but I saw them!!!
They are still small and green...

Umm....... I have not decided if I try both of jam and a pie this year...
(I got a kichen scale now,though)

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