
I was a BABY

I got a package from my parents recently.
Lots of Japanese foods and pictures with books.

One of book was Pregnancy Book when I was in her.
The book was for record and memory of how the pregnancy and the baby's growing went.
That has been the law in Japan to have 1 book for 1 baby for years and years.

The other book was for after I was born with my pictures ^ ^
That was my record for many things , such as when I started walking... talking... etc..etc..

Most of my pictures are in Japan.
I asked her to send me some of them with those two books, so I may get some ideas for knowing our baby will go through.

I chose a couple of pictures!!

I was born 10 days late from due date.
My grand-ma had been staying and helping her a couple weeks before due date.
However!!!! even passed due date, I was still in my mom's belly!
My grand-ma was thinking about going back to home once....
Then... I was born!!!

Left: I am looked sleepy?? may be after taking a bath or something....

Right: I worn a little knit.... that was my mom's hand made^_^
She had made so many clothes and blankets for us.

Bottom:I think the picture was taken when I was a kindergarten.
That might be a summer festival(Bon Odori-Summer Dancing).
We worn Summer Kimonos( called YUKATA, 浴衣)

I want to tell and teach our baby about Japanese stuff,also I want the baby to wear Japanese traditional clothes.
I was born and grew up as a Japanese.. and I am still a Japanese.
I would like our baby to know bad things and good things about Japan as much as US.
Because our baby will have many precious chances to know both of countries.
I must know and understand about Japan much more though ^ ^;
so... that will be a good chance to me,too !!!!

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