Daddy's Going my way
D(daddy): Did you have any sign today?!! #for Labor
H(Hana mama*me*): Umm.... yeah.. kind of...( at least I guessed)
D: Really??!! We have a measure right?
H: Yeah....
D: Where?? I'll measure!!
H: ....?????
D: Our measure is centimeter right?
H: Yeah....
D: Where is it?
H: What will you measure ??
D: I will measure for you!!
He kept saying!!
D: I will measure for you,so we will know how close!!
H: We will not know how close even measure belly!
D: We will know!!
H: ??????????
D: because ..................
He was thinking that he could see and measure how many centimeter my cervix open (- -;)
H: You can not see it..... it is not opening outside!!
D: ????? so .... where???
I explained to him.....
If you could see how much open... that means... I am in a LAST PART OF LABOR!!! ^ ^;
D: I did not know... because this is my first time.
Excuse me... this is my first,too ^ ^;
We got a book of pregnancy from a hospital when we went to a briefing. (that was October)
His bookmark has not moved " 7 months Pregnancy chapter"
Hello!!!!! the baby is almost coming!!!!
Please.. read a booklet from a hospital and a documents of insurance AT LEAST .... T_T
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