
Forgetful or aging?

People often said that You will have a memory problem.
but true is, at least my case, will get much forgetful even after had a baby!!!!!

My memory is terrible !! not only my computer!!! ( ̄Д ̄;;

1. I could not find my watch!! and I could not keep in mind to look for the watch either!!!!!!
It took me about a month to find the watch!
I found under a bed..... λ........

2. I lost both of my nail clippers!!!!!!!
I knew I would loose if I put a nail clipper here!!! that I was thinking but my wild animal.. oh... my wild daughter was crying and screaming... so I put it somewhere.

Guess what?!!! I forgot where I put on( ̄ ̄ ̄∇ ̄ ̄ ̄;
I was looking for my nail clipper!!and I found it!!!!!!! that was different one. I lost one and found another.
Uhmm..... nice job!!ヾ( ̄o ̄;)

3. I lost Nina's bottle!!!!!! well... that was not only my fault!! because she holds anything and walking around and then drop somewhere...

I found the same day!! Yippie!!!! but I lost her folk yesterday ( ̄Д ̄;;
I have no idea where it is... did I mistaken throw into a trash can with something? or as usual... she was holding it and just dropped somewhere I could find....

4. I was talking to Hana( our dog) and.... " NIna!! (daughter's name) sit!!"(ーー;)

when I was a kid, I often told my mom about don't call me my sister's name... but THE HISTORY WILL BE REPEATED.
(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆

Recently I am aware of .... "Why I am coming here???? I come to pick up something?? or Am I going to other room???" ( ̄◇ ̄;)
I sometimes can't remember what I did morning!!!!!! I remember what I ate for breakfast!!!!! because most of time it is cereal.

well.... I may need a good long refresh and relax time( ̄▽ ̄;)
or do I need upgrade my memories??
but at least... I still have a better memory than DADDY!!(〃 ̄∇ ̄)ノ彡☆

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